Library Items

The Great Simplification #58 – Olivia Lazard: “Peace and Power in the Mineral Age”
In Europe’s Clean Energy Transition, Industry Turns to Heat Pumps
Overshoot: Cognitive obsolescence and the population conundrum
Fusion Energy: A Different Take
Who Wants to Tax a Millionaire? With Marlene Engelhorn
The Great Simplification #57 – Gaya Herrington: “Humanity’s Soul: Life or Growth?”
navigating futures with christopher losa
The Alternative, Optimistic Story of Population Decline
Living in truth in a time of ecological ‘emergency’ and emergence: Vaclav Havel as eco-guru
From the right to a healthy planet to the planetary right to health
Terminal Philosophy Syndrome: A Wake-Up Call for All
The rise of ‘one-and-done’ parenting
Population and The Human Predicament in a Nutshell
The Great Simplification #56 – David Sloan Wilson: “Chickens, Cooperation and a Pro-social World”