MAHB Admin

MAHB Admin

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    • #47187
      MAHB Admin

      Hi Justin, feel free to reach out to me at to discuss other ways to share this within the MAHB community.

    • #42143
      MAHB Admin

      Posted on behalf of Mary:
      I don’t believe the government at any level has any real contact with the voters. We may vote but the winner thereafter has no further contact with the voter. His or her contact is with the paying corporation and the transaction keeps both parties in business.

      By far the best response I have read is what Peter Barnes has worked out in several books I’ve read, Capitalism 3.0 and With Liberty and Dividends for All . He moves everyone into shared ownership of what no one or everyone owns, The Commons. What a difference that would make. See for yourself.

      Mary Lehmann

    • #40393
      MAHB Admin

      Malcolm Potts has written a wonderful book on this topic, Sex & War, if you’re interested!

    • #38876
      MAHB Admin

      Thank you Jim, Steven and Jason. Much like I shared my minor success story in speaking to my father in law about these issues, have any of you had an experience where a conversation about these topics went well? What contributed to the success of that conversation?

      We know it’s challenging to see eye to eye and agree with folks who don’t appear to share the same concern as we do about population growth and other existential threats, I’m curious what your personal experiences have been like when things DID go well?

      It’s fair to say the MAHB population base will agree with all of your’s summary of the problem, I’m curious to discuss and share here strategies for conversing about these sticky issues.

      Looking forward to the MAHB community’s response on this thread!

    • #38440
      MAHB Admin

      Thank you for sharing this Sarah! Looking forward to what MAHB members have to say.

    • #37407
      MAHB Admin

      Thank you Dave for sharing this resource! In honor of World Population Day on the 11th we’re hoping MAHB members will share their ideas on how we can stabilize or decrease the population. See our recent conversation on the forum to share your thoughts with us!

    • #34392
      MAHB Admin

      Thank you for sharing more resources and insights into Amory’s work. He definitely has ideas worth digging into and the MAHB appreciates you sharing these ideas and resources with its members.

      I’ve suggested the MAHB does a MAHB Dialogue with Amory. Geoff Holland, the author and MAHB member who leads the MAHB Dialogues, plans to reach out to Amory with this opportunity. In the meantime I’ll also follow up with MAHB leadership about any other possible opportunities.

    • #34390
      MAHB Admin

      Thank you for sharing more resources and insights into Amory’s work. He definitely has ideas worth digging into and the MAHB appreciates you sharing these ideas and resources with its members.

      I’ve suggested the MAHB does a MAHB Dialogue with Amory. Geoff Holland, the author and MAHB member who leads the MAHB Dialogues, plans to reach out to Amory with this opportunity. In the meantime I’ll also follow up with MAHB leadership about any other possible opportunities.

    • #34324
      MAHB Admin

      Thank you for your suggestion. Is there any particular work of Amory Lovins’ you suggest MAHB members and other readers familiarize themselves with? I will relay your ideas about having Amory offer his perspectives to the MAHB team.

    • #27631
      MAHB Admin

      Are there alternative energy financing structures available that could promote global climate mitigation?

    • #27507
      MAHB Admin

      Can engaging men on the importance of family planning serve as a gateway to making them aware of other issues related to sustainability, and inspire them to help?

    • #27049
      MAHB Admin

      Could urban buildings be redesigned to become sustainable energy and food producers? What would be the benefits? What would be the obstacles?

    • #26581
      MAHB Admin

      On January 18, 2018, The Law Project’s U.S. foreign policy reform, judicial accountability, and human rights campaign known as Opt IN USA released its latest report titled JUDICIAL IMPUNITY: A Likely Inadvertent but Deadly Failure of American Democracy. The 2017/2018 winter report concludes as follows:

      Princeton University professor Martin Gilens and Northwestern University professor Benjamin I. Page ‘believe that if policymaking is dominated by powerful business organizations and a small number of affluent Americans, then America’s claims to being a democratic society are seriously threatened.’ If this is in fact political reality in America, then it greatly protects U.S. legal system corruption according to the prestigious anti-corruption coalition, Transparency International:

      All these are prerequisites for an environment promoting access to justice: the capacity of (usually) disadvantaged groups of citizens to gain access to courts (or alternative resolution mechanisms) by removing various institutional as well as corruption related barriers within the legal system.

      Opt IN USA’s predecessor, sister organizations, and allies have been directly attesting to the lack of that capacity since 2010 ─ first, in a Joint Stakeholders’ Universal Periodic Review Submission regarding the United States; second, upon formally identifying The Third Degree (TTD) as a source of persecution and psychological torture; and third, through the overriding message of Opt IN USA’s 2016 report. (footnotes omitted).

      Key phrases of this conclusion suggest the foregoing report would interest audiences concerned about democracy, U.S. legal system corruption, justice in America, disadvantaged citizen groups, and access to U.S. courts. Anyone who does not consider himself or herself particularly impacted by these considerations may not notice, let alone focus on The Law Project’s node or forum on MAHB. However, the sustainability of mankind and earth’s biosphere at least arguably hinges on justice within the meaning of our world’s most widely conceived notion of fairness. Hence the importance of identifying and redressing, and when appropriate, dispelling alleged structural defects in America’s legal system that leave it an all too handy tool of injustice.

      The Law Project is committing its node and forum on MAHB to confirming the link between justice in America and the sustainability of mankind and earth’s biosphere; identifying structural defects in America’s legal system that leave it an all too handy tool of injustice; and proposing how best to eliminate and otherwise redress those defects. Kindly join us 🙂

    • #25007
      MAHB Admin

      How does not knowing a systemic view contribute to unintended consequences (in compounding existing concerns & problems)?

    • #25285
      MAHB Admin

      @jimbo1968 and @emdelmarglobaltrust-org, thank you for taking the time to respond to this thread, we are looking forward to having you involved with the MAHB. It is wonderful to see you taking advantage of the forum and the MAHB is looking at ways to increase engagement with this space. Would you be willing to share your thoughts as users on ways it could be improved?

      I also wanted to point you in the direction of the MAHB Blog where a lot of additional comments have been shared on these topics. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me at

      Thanks! Erika (MAHB Communications Officer)

      • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by MAHB Admin.
      • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by MAHB Admin.
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