

What can you do to move the dial? Join us for pioneering ideas, intimate conversations, and solutions-focused thinking about the most significant topics of our generation. In a time saturated with information but not as many solutions, listen to advice from great minds and thought leaders about what we can do to save our planet.

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Who Wants to Tax a Millionaire? With Marlene Engelhorn
Ashely Gore – How to Start
Bringing Youth to the Table – Kevin Patel
The Great Simplification #125 – Vanessa Andreotti: “Hospicing Modernity and Rehabilitating Humanity”
The Great Simplification #111 – Sandra Faber: “The Universe and Our Place in It”
The Great Simplification #118 – Michael Every: “The Many -Isms of the Metacrisis”
The Great Simplification #117– Geoffrey West: “Metabolism and the Hidden Laws of Biology”
The Great Simplification #116– Riane Eisler: “Domination and Partnership in Society”
The Great Simplification #115– Patrick Knodel: “Question Everything – Towards Cooperation & Change”
The Great Simplification #114– Chuck Watson: “NATO in Ukraine: from Proxy to Participants”
The Great Simplification #113 – Lyn Alden: “The Myth of Frictionless Finance”
The Great Simplification #112 – Samantha Sweetwater: “Life at the Center”
The Great Simplification #111 – Sandra Faber: “The Universe and Our Place in It”
The Great Simplification #110 – John Robb: “Networked Tribalism, AI, and Asteroids”
The Great Simplification #109 – Ashley Hodgson: “The New Enlightenment and Behavioral Economics”
The Great Simplification #108 – Steve Keen: “On the Origins of Energy Blindness”
The Great Simplification #107 – Mario Giampietro: “Models with Meaning – Changing Social Practices”
The Great Simplification #106 – Alexa Firmenich: “Biodiversity, Beauty, and Being”
The Great Simplification #105 – Leon Simons: “Aerosol Demasking & Global Heating”
The Great Simplification #104 – Jane Muncke: “Perils of Plastic Packaging”
The Great Simplification #103 – Peter Brannen: “Deep Time, Mass Extinctions, and Today”