

What can you do to move the dial? Join us for pioneering ideas, intimate conversations, and solutions-focused thinking about the most significant topics of our generation. In a time saturated with information but not as many solutions, listen to advice from great minds and thought leaders about what we can do to save our planet.

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Who Wants to Tax a Millionaire? With Marlene Engelhorn
Ashely Gore – How to Start
Bringing Youth to the Table – Kevin Patel
Podcast: Education, Health and Climate Change
Naomi Oreskes on “Merchants of Doubt”
Listen Closely As This California Forest Falls Eerily Quiet Over 10 Years
More Than Half of U.S. Birds Species Threatened By Climate Change
Swedish waters rising faster than global average
Anthony Ingraffea- The Science of Fracking
Feeding the World in a Changing Climate, with Dr. Pamela Anderson
Audio Recording of Paul Ehrlich – Avoiding a collapse of civilisation Our chances, prospects and pathways forward
Radio Ecoshock: Paul Ehrlich
What Now Interview with Paul Ehrlich Biologist-Educator