
Humanity’s continuing destruction of the natural world that sustains all life on earth could lead to a collapse of the systems we depend on.

How to Fix a Broken Planet – Plan for Survival Video
Commonwealth Club Interview – Paul R. Ehrlich’s Life: A Journey Through Science and Politics
Opinion Poll Survey: Public Awareness of ‘Nuclear Winter’ is Too Low Given Current Risks
Why Understanding Limits Is the Key to Humanity’s Future
Overshoot: Cognitive obsolescence and the population conundrum
A Climate Change with Matt Matern: Paul R. Ehrlich, Stanford Professor Emeritus, Author & President, Center for Conservation Biology
The Great Simplification #53 – William E. Rees: “The Fundamental Issue – Overshoot”
New Book by Paul Ehrlich – Life: A Journey Through Science and Politics
The People Cheering for Humanity’s End
CBS Documentary: Scientists say planet in midst of sixth mass extinction, Earth’s wildlife running out of places to live
Scientists’ warning on climate change and insects
Addressing Climate Change Will Not “Save the Planet”
The world votes for “climate hell”
A Letter to the Editorial Board of the Washington Post
More like a Dying Planet Report