MAHB Newsletter for September 2023

| September 30, 2023 | Leave a Comment

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Date of Publication: September

Year of Publication: 2023

Publication City: San Francisco, CA

Publisher: MAHB

Author(s): Sibylle Frey

Greetings to the MAHB Community,   

Check out what’s happening:  A new Stanford study reveals how the meat and dairy industry resists competition from alternative animal products with lower environmental impacts. Watch Project Drawdown’s webinar recording on understanding and correcting Earth’s troubling climate trajectory; September 26 was the 10th International Day for the total elimination of nuclear weapons–you can still sign the petition here. Also, a new study by Gerardo Ceballos and Paul Ehrlich finds that due to human activity, species groups are going extinct 35 times faster than in the previous million years (full paper available).

Read this month’s blogs on how a stranded marine biologist discovers the wonders in her own backyard; a commitment to the Earth Systems Treaty (sign it here); a MAHB Dialogue on how human exceptionalism is pushing planetary boundaries, and an art blog on un-making the harm through creative praxis.

Our resources include an interview with Michael Tobias and Jane Gray Morrison by Marc Bekoff on their latest book, Random Homeostasis; a paper on the silence and denial of population growth in academia and government (and suggested ways forward); an article asking whether Fridays for the Future had its day; a Nature Editorial on how a few powerful nations are undermining the protection of our oceans; a paper on why global population growth is constantly being underestimated (and thus jeopardizing sustainable futures); a call for action to curb wildfires, and a sober analysis on whether “green growth” in high-income nations is happening.

Watch or listen to Nate Hagens’ podcasts on the multiple threats to our oceans; a TGS episode with neuroscientist Robert Sapolsky on the structure of the human brain and its implications for behavioral change, and with “entrepreneurial activist” Sian Southerland on how to deal with our addiction to plastics.

Check out the Arts Section and catch up with this video recording of the exhibition “Community Resilience and Social Justice, Equity, Ownership.”

Don’t forget to check out the latest MAHB announcements here.

You can read or download the full newsletter from the link provided above (please note that not all newsletter elements may align due to the archiving process).

The views and opinions expressed through the MAHB Website are those of the contributing authors and do not necessarily reflect an official position of the MAHB. The MAHB aims to share a range of perspectives and welcomes the discussions that they prompt.