

What can you do to move the dial? Join us for pioneering ideas, intimate conversations, and solutions-focused thinking about the most significant topics of our generation. In a time saturated with information but not as many solutions, listen to advice from great minds and thought leaders about what we can do to save our planet.

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Who Wants to Tax a Millionaire? With Marlene Engelhorn
Ashely Gore – How to Start
Bringing Youth to the Table – Kevin Patel
The Great Simplification #72 – Alex Gladstein: “Debt Colonialism, The Petrodollar, and Bitcoin”
The Great Simplification #71 – Daniel Schmachtenberger: “AI and The Superorganism”
The Great Simplification #70 – John Kitzhaber: “What Makes a Healthy Society?”
The Great Simplification #69 – Robert Lustig: “Processed Food, Metabolism, and The Ills of Society”
Conservation Conversations with Sean O’Brien – Episode 9: Paul Ehrlich
The Great Simplification #67 – Edward Chancellor: “The Price of Time”
The Great Simplification #66 – Kim Stanley Robinson: “Climate, Fiction, and The Future”
The Great Simplification #68 – Simon Michaux: “The Arcadian Blueprint”
The Great Simplification #65- Antonio Turiel: “Deep Challenges: Oceans, Scarcity and Culture”
The Great Simplification #64- Andrew Millison: “Geomorphology, Permaculture, and The Good Work”
The Great Simplification #63- Paul Martin: “Hydrogen – The Decarbonization Problem”
Today’s Trolley Problem: Only One Track Leads to the Future | Opinion
The Great Simplification #62- Jodi Archambault: “Relationships, Reciprocity and Resiliency”
The Great Simplification #61- Gareth Roberts: “Geology, Optimism, & Something Completely Different”
Commonwealth Club Interview – Paul R. Ehrlich’s Life: A Journey Through Science and Politics
The Great Simplification #60- Nina Simons: “Dancing With Contradictions – A Systems View”
The Problem with Superchickens
The Great Simplification #59 – Jonathan Haidt: “Social Psychology in an Age of Social Fragmentation”