

What can you do to move the dial? Join us for pioneering ideas, intimate conversations, and solutions-focused thinking about the most significant topics of our generation. In a time saturated with information but not as many solutions, listen to advice from great minds and thought leaders about what we can do to save our planet.

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Who Wants to Tax a Millionaire? With Marlene Engelhorn
Ashely Gore – How to Start
Bringing Youth to the Table – Kevin Patel
The Great Simplification #1 – Richard Gephardt “Democracy: Old School vs New Reality”
The Great Simplification with Nate Hagens
The Great Simplification #26 – Peter Whybrow: “When More is Not Enough”
The Great Simplification #25 – Gerardo Ceballos: “Will the Ongoing Population Extinctions Lead to a 6th Mass Extinction?”
The Strange and Secret Ways That Animals Perceive the World
Podcast: Paul Ehrlich on The Limits to Growth
The Great Simplification #15 – Daniel Pauly: Peak Fish and other Ocean Realities
The Great Simplification #17- Chuck Watson: “Nuclear War – All the Questions You Were Afraid to Ask”
The Great Simplification #12 – Dennis Meadows: “Limits to Growth turns 50 – Checking In”
The Great Simplification Episode #9 – Paul Ehrlich: “Was the Population Bomb Defused?”
The Planet In Crisis Podcast – Series
The Great Simplification #6 – Herman Daly: “Toward an Ecological Economics”
Understanding The Right To Have Children
The UK government wants to put a price on nature – but that will destroy it
Paul Ehrlich: The most effective conservation strategy? Empower women
Nature Solutionaries
Racism and Nuclear Weapons, Part II: Katlyn Turner, Denia Djokić and Aditi Verma on the “Press the Button” podcast
The End Of The World with Josh Clark